Training on Monitoring and Evaluation for Community-based Projects
Training on Monitoring and Evaluation for Community-based Projects
About the Course
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for Community-based Projects involves systematic processes designed to track, assess, and improve the progress, effectiveness, and impact of projects implemented within communities. It is the essential processes aimed at ensuring accountability, learning, and continuous improvement in the implementation of projects within communities, ultimately leading to more effective and sustainable development outcomes.
Training on M&E for community-based projects is designed to equip individuals with the essential knowledge and skills to effectively monitor, evaluate, and assess the impact of development and community projects.
Target Participants
This training on M&E for community-based projects is suitable for M&E professionals, project managers, NGO staff, government officials, and community leaders and volunteers.
What You Will Learn
By the end of this course the participants will be able to:
- Understand the concepts and principles of Monitoring and Evaluation in the context of community-based projects
- Identify appropriate indicators and data collection methods for monitoring project activities and outcomes
- Apply qualitative and quantitative evaluation techniques to assess the effectiveness and impact of community-based projects
- Design and implement M&E frameworks and systems tailored to the needs of community-based projects
- Utilize M&E findings to make informed decisions, improve project performance, and enhance project outcomes
- Foster a culture of learning, accountability, and transparency within project teams and communities
Course Duration
Classroom Based – 5 Days
Online – 7 Days
Course Outline
Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation
- Understanding the role of M&E in community-based projects
- Key concepts and principles of M&E
- The M&E cycle: Planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and learning
Designing M&E Frameworks for Community-Based Projects
- Defining project objectives, outcomes, and indicators
- Selecting appropriate data collection methods and tools
- Developing M&E plans and frameworks
Project Logic Design
- Understanding M&E causal pathway
- Developing the project results levels: goal, outcomes, and output
- Formulating activities
Project Indicators
- Introduction to project indicator
- Indicator development
- Predefined indicators
- Linking indicators to results in programs
- Indicator matrix
- Program indicator performance tracking
Monitoring and Evaluation with the Log frame
- Setting up M&E systems based on Log frame indicators
- Collecting and analyzing data for monitoring purposes
- Assessing project performance and progress
- Using M&E findings to inform decision-making and adaptive management
Monitoring Project Activities and Outputs
- Tracking project progress and performance
- Collecting and managing monitoring data
- Analyzing monitoring data and generating progress reports
Evaluating Project Outcomes
- Types of evaluation: Formative, summative, and impact evaluation
- Data collection techniques for evaluation
- Analyzing evaluation data and interpreting findings
- Developing evaluation questions
- Developing evaluation matrix
- Evaluation Reporting
Technology in M&E
- The role of technology in modern M&E practices
- Introduction to data management software
- Mobile data collection and remote monitoring
Utilizing M&E Findings for Decision-Making and Learning
- Utilizing M&E findings to improve project design and implementation
- Communicating M&E results to stakeholders
- Integrating M&E into project management and decision-making processes
Building Capacity for M&E in Community-Based Projects
- Developing M&E capacity within project teams and communities
- Engaging stakeholders in M&E processes
- Overcoming common challenges in M&E implementation
Project Impact and Sustainability
- Assessing the long-term impact of development projects
- Strategies for project sustainability and scalability
- Accountability, transparency, and stakeholder engagement
Developing an M&E Plan for a Community-Based Project
- Case studies and practical exercises
- Peer review and feedback
Training Approach
This training on M&E for community-based projects course is delivered by our seasoned trainers who have vast experience as expert professionals in their respective fields of practice. The course is taught through a mix of practical activities, presentations, group works and case studies.
Training notes and additional reference materials are provided to the participants.
Upon successful completion of this training on M&E for community-based projects course, participants will be issued a certificate.
Tailor-Made Course
We can also do this as a tailor-made course to meet organization-wide needs.